Schar PhD Student Association (SPSA)

Final PhD Research Workshop of Spring 2019

Please join the Association of Public Policy PhD Students (APPS) for the third PhD Research Workshop of the Spring 2019 semester.Wednesday, April 17th, 2:00-4:00pm

Founders Hall, Room 322 (Arlington)

Via Webex, ENGR 1605 (Fairfax)

All Schar School students and faculty are welcome. Food will be served.

All workshops are held in FH Room 322. Video-conferencing is available at the Fairfax campus via Webex (ENGR 1605). If interested in attending the event either from Fairfax campus or anywhere else via Webex, please see the information at the end of this message.

We have two speakers lined up for the third workshop.

2:00- 2:05pm         Introduction
2:05-2:40 pm         Addilyn Perry Chams-Eddine, Public Policy

“Moderating the International Transmission Effect of Central Bank Monetary Policy to Emerging Market Economies”

My research examines the transmission of advanced economy (AE) central bank monetary policy to emerging market economies (EMEs) to explore potential alternatives for EME policymakers to moderate the effects and decrease the occurrence of destabilizing sudden stops or reversals of global financial flows.

2:40-3:00pm          Comments and Discussion

3:00-3:05pm          Break

3:05-3:40               Matthew Fay, Political Science

Volunteering for Victory? Military Service Systems and Battlefield Effectiveness

My presentation will discuss ongoing research on the relationship between military service systems and battlefield effectiveness. Battlefield effectiveness refers to a military organization’s proficiency in basic tactics and complex operations. Scholars have proposed explanations for battlefield effectiveness stemming from variation in regime type, the structure of political institutions, national culture, civil-military relations, level of economic development, and organizational structure and practices. The role of a state’s military service system as an explanation for battlefield effectiveness—whether it relies on conscription or volunteers to fill the ranks of its military organizations—has received only cursory attention. The few quantitative tests of service system influence that have been undertaken fail to account for within case variation in service systems. While it is widely assumed that armies built through volunteer service systems are likely to demonstrate higher levels of combat proficiency than those built through conscription, this proposition still requires rigorous testing.

3:40-4:00                Comments and Discussion

All are welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you! If you have any question please reach out to Abu Bakkar Siddique ( or Neslihan Kaptanoglu (

*WebEx Remote Participation

You are welcome to attend remotely by downloading the WebEx Desktop appahead of time and joining the meeting. Information on how to prepare for and join a WebEx meeting is here.

APPS 3rd PhD Research Workshop- Spring 2019 Semester
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
2:00 pm  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  2 hrs
Meeting number (access code): 643 462 937
Meeting password: nB4YRvxe
Join from a video system or application
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+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this Webex service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. You should inform all meeting attendees prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting.

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